We feel alone because we don’t have our fingers in the dirt
She sits, alone, yet surrounded by her family who also sit alone. She is two years old and so is her machine. Give your child the head start they deserve. From womb to learning in days. What more could a mother give? What greater gift could a parent bestow? So she sits. Bright colors pop out at her and she squeals in excitement. “Doggy! Frog! Ribbit!” She giggles at the images. They are her closest friends. Give your child the dream they’ve been waiting for. Don’t wait another moment. And you will get so much done. All of that housework awaits! Run to yoga! Go shopping! Her older sister laughs at a video across from her. She makes a face, a perfect one, for the camera and snaps a shot. She scrolls. Her sister’s diaper is wet. No one notices, not even the toddler. Give your kids the fun they’ve been dreaming of! Don’t let them feel left out! They’ll never have a dull moment again. The oldest sister has been crying. She lost a good friend to suicide. Sixteen long years of feel...